I was born in maracaibo, the hottest city of venezuela.
my mother and my sister say that I was very sweet from 0 to 7 years old, a bit weard from 8 to 11, kind of arrogant till 17 and quite nice just the year before I left home; but always a good student at the school. at the age of 18, I moved to caracas to study mass media communication at the central university of venezuela, there I did also jogging, athletics, singing, aerobic… and, in my 4th year of university studies, I discovered contemporary dance. at the age of 33, I moved to vienna to share the life with an austrian guy whom I had met in venezuela when I was 29, and who makes my soul smile until today. I am settled in vienna, my family lives in venezuela and in vienna; my friends are spread out all over the world. I love cooking, performing, singing, teaching, watching any kind of performance, traveling, beers…
I hardly swim...
> my education
graduated in mass media communication
central university of venezuela (ucv)
contemporary dance :
1990 -1993
pisorrojo /central university of venezuela
director: griska holguín
teachers: griska holguin, adolfo ostosa
caracas school of modern dance
director: josé ledezma
teachers: josé ledezma, yurI cavalieri, mirjam berns, lidija franklin
danzahoy school of dance,
director: luz urdaneta
teachers: luz urdaneta, adriana urdaneta, jacques broquet, roumen rachev
2001 - 2002
european scholarship program for contemporary dance
vienna, austria
pilates trainer matwork i
teachers: ursula martonosi, barbara mayr
wifi, vienna-austria
pilates trainer matwork ii
teachers: gordon thomson, barbara mayr
pilates akademie, vienna-austria
pilates matwork & studio trainig
teacher: barbara mayr
pilates akademie, vienna-austria
yamuna body rolling
madrid, spanien
lehrer: elsa rebollo de la cuesta
yamuna foot fitness 1
madrid, spanien
lehrer: yamuna zake
yamuna face massage
alicante, spain
teacher: dianne glass
yamuna table treatment
alicante, spain
teacher: yamuna zake
yamuna foot fitness 2
alicante, spain
teacher: yamuna zake
yamuna breath work
new york, ny
teacher: yamuna zake
ybr for massage therapists teacher training
new york, ny
teacher: yamuna zake
yamuna save your knees
new york, usa
teacher: yamuna zake
yamuna advanced face work
(tempomandibular joint)
madrid, spain
teacher: yamuna zake
anatomy U/ posterior & anterior leg
new york, usa
teacher: yamuna zake
twists & scoliosis
new york, usa
teacher: yamuna zake
yamuna teaching training
spain, uk, usa
other experiences:
african dance, ashtanga yoga, extending the comfort zone,
release technique, skinner release, voice training,
flying low, dance improvisation.
> awards
student award for “outstanding achievement in the art”, by the central university of venezuela
with pisorrojo as “the best company of the year”, by the national culture council –venezuela
“women artist award”, by the parliament of austria.